Welcome to the Villa Wesset Chef's Hall!

We offer a unique opportunity for a taste journey in our chef's hall, where we highly value local ingredients and carefully monitor that everything that reaches us from the farmers finds a worthy place on the menu.
Tasting menu can be enjoyed by up to 7 guests at the L-shaped table, and the entire dinner is prepared in front of your eyes.

When preparing food, we prefer local food and use the principle "from nose to tail and from root to bloom". Our desire is to move rapidly towards a more sustainable environment. To do this, we first go back to our ancestral "roots" and use a lot of pickling and preserves in the kitchen. At the same time, we carefully monitor that we make the most of the food that have reached us.
When you visit us, you can choose between two tasting menus. The first one is "Local cuisine", where we use only Estonian food, the second is "Baltic Sea cusine", where depending on the season we can use some products that have been grown in or near the Baltic Sea. For both menus, we have 3 exceptions: sugar, salt and, of course, chocolate, without which it would be difficult to live.